青岛理工大学 English Version

组内成员 > 在职教师 > 梁鹏





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梁鹏,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会青年工作委员会委员,黄岛区区外引进高层次紧缺型人才,“礼贤学者”青年英才,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,AEIC(Academic   Exchange Information Centre)专家库成员。公开发表论文22余篇,其中SCI/EI论文15篇。申请10项专利,授权6项。主持、参与多项国家、省部级自然科学基金。


1. 水润滑轴承的机理及应用研究;

2. 超声波油膜厚度测量机理及装置研发;

3. 非圆曲面零件加工的新方法;

1. 基于运动合成的活塞异形销孔加工新原理及关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金,51505245,课题负责人。

2. 水润滑轴承烧瓦机理研究及配合主轴仿生微造型结构设计优化,山东省重点研发计划项目,2018GSF117038,课题负责人。

3. 基于“梯度墙”微通道主轴的水润滑轴承降温调控技术及其润滑机理研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,基于“梯度墙”微通道主轴的水润滑轴承降温调控技术及其润滑机理研究,ZR202102250800,课题负责人。

4. 转子滚动式压缩机润滑优化研究,固体润滑国家重点实验室开放课题,LSL-1704,课题负责人。

5. 基于超声波的润滑膜厚度测量原理及其在水润滑轴承的应用,工业流体节能与污染控制教育部重点实验室开放课题,课题负责人。

1.曹玉哲, 梁鹏, 郭峰, 张晓寒, 王超, 姜芙林. 不同工况下表面粗糙度对水润滑轴承启动性能的影响[J]. 推进技术,2022.

2. Liang P, Li XY, Guo F, Cao YZ, Zhang XH, Jiang FL. Influence of sea wave shock on transient start-up performance of water-lubricated bearing[J]. Tribology international, 2022.

3.Zhang Y, Yu S, Lu C, Zhao H, Liang P. An improved lumped parameter method for calculating static characteristics of multi-recess hydrostatic journal bearings[J]. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part j-journal of engineering tribology,2020,234(2):301-310.

4.Liang P, Lu C, Yang F. Optimal control simulation of elliptical shaft center orbit with the hydraulic servo system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2019,233(2):610-624.

5.Wang L, Zeng Q, Lu C, Liang P. A numerical analysis and experimental investigation of three oil grooves sleeve bearing performance[J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2019, 71(2):181-187.

6.Zhang Y, Lu C, Zhao H, Shi W, Liang P. Error Averaging Effect of Hydrostatic Journal Bearings Considering the Influences of Shaft Rotating Speed and External Load[J]. Ieee access, 2019,7:106346-106358.

7.Liang P, Lu C, Yang F. A fast computing approach concerning recess pressure[J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2018, 70(1):1-7.

8.Liang P, Lu C, Yang F. Influences of radial clearance and ovality on performance of elliptical hydrostatic journal bearing[J]. Journal of the balkan tribological association,2016,22(3):2198-2209.

9.Liang P, Lu C,  Yang F, et al. Open-loop control of elliptical shaft center orbit[J].  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of  Engineering Manufacture, 2016, 230(10):1818-1833.

10.梁鹏, 路长厚, 杨发展. 静压主轴轴心轨迹的主动控制[J].机械设计与制造, 2016, (8):178-181.

11.Liang P, Lu C, Yang F. Study on static performance of a new type of standard elliptical four-pocket hybrid journal bearing[J]. Journal of the balkan tribological association,2015,20(4): 1010-1016.

12.Liang P, Lu C, Pan  W, et al. A new method for calculating the static performance of  hydrostatic journal bearing[J]. Tribology  International, 2014, 77(6):72-77.    

13.Liang P, Lu C, Ding J, et al. Study on movement forming methods for the machining of elliptic-shaped holes[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2014, 228(4):515-526.

14.Liang P, Lu C, Ding J, et al. A method for measuring the hydrodynamic effect on the  bearing land[J]. Tribology International, 2013,  67(4):146-153.

15.Liang P, Lu C, Ding J, et al. Study on movement forming methods for the machining of  elliptic-shaped holes[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical  Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2013, 228(4):515-526.

16. Liang P, Lu C, Chen S, et al. The Stability’s Influencing Factors and Active Control  of Hydrostatic Journal Bearing[C]. 2nd International Conference on Electronic   & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, 2012:730-733.
