Qingdao University of Technology 中文版

Group > Doctor > Lin Fan

Lin Fan|doctor|2023

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Han chinese


    Email: 894066301@qq.com

  • Summary

Lin Fan, female, CPC member, master's degree, Weifang, Shandong Province, China, graduated from Shandong Jiaotong College in June 2021 with a Bachelor's degree of Engineering in Automotive Service Engineering, and entered Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUT) Mechanical and Automotive Engineering School in September 2021 to study for a Master's degree of Mechanical Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Yang Shujan, and continued to study for a Doctor's degree of Mechanical Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Yang Shujan in September 2023, and continued to study for a Doctor's degree of Mechanical Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Yang Shujan, and studied with Prof. Yang. Prof. Yang Shuyan.